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Old Fashioned Cocktail

Old Fashioned Cocktail

Ingredients and Weight:

Preparation Time:

Difficulty Level:

Level 2 (Moderate). Simple steps but requires precise measurement of ingredients.

Preparation Method Steps:

  1. Make simple syrup by boiling water and sugar together until sugar is completely dissolved. Let cool.
  2. In each glass, add a few ice cubes.
  3. Add whiskey to each glass.
  4. Add a few dashes of bitters to each glass.
  5. Garnish each glass with an orange peel twist and a cherry.
  6. Serve immediately.

Nutritional Information: (Based on the given ingredients and serving size)

Dish Characteristics:

User Comments:

  1. "A classic Old Fashioned, just like my grandfather used to make!" - John Doe, New York.
  2. "Love the balance of flavors, especially the cherry and orange peel." - Jane Smith, California.
  3. "Great for a casual gathering or a formal dinner party." - Michael Johnson, Texas.

Special Precautions and Tips: